People jostled on Queen’s Wharf when the Lucinda arrived with members of the Queensland Imperial Bushmen home from the Boer War.

Welcome home to the Queensland Imperial Bushmen

People jostled on Queen’s Wharf when the Lucinda arrived with members of the Queensland Imperial Bushmen home from the Boer War.

People jostled on Queen’s Wharf when the Lucinda arrived with members of the Queensland Imperial Bushmen home from the Boer War.

Queen’s Wharf was packed with people on 6 August 1901 when the Lucinda arrived carrying the men of the Fourth Contingent who had just returned from the Boer War in South Africa. The steamer Lucinda had been dispatched earlier to collect them from the Brittanic, at anchor in Moreton Bay. Read more

pearl disaster

The Pearl Disaster

pearl disaster

The steamer Pearl tied up at a wharf upstream from Victoria Bridge in 1895.

During the flood of February 1893, the first permanent Victoria Bridge collapsed partially, leaving the residents of North and South Brisbane with no direct vehicular connection until repairs could be made. Although a new bridge designed by engineer Alfred Brady was under construction, as a precaution the bridge was closed to traffic and three small river steamers employed to ferry people from Queen’s Wharf to Musgrave Wharf, South Brisbane when floodwaters again began to buffet the temporary section of the bridge in February 1896.

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Wheareat family

One family’s stay at the Immigration Depot, 1873

Wheareat family

The Great Queensland was constructed as the steam ship Indiana in 1852 and converted to sail in 1873 when refitted for the emigrant service. Some 258 feet (78.6 metres) in length, the Great Queensland carried over 700 passengers in conditions considered quite comfortable for the period. The Great Queensland, loaded with cargo and 30 passengers, disappeared at sea in August 1876. SLQ image 19750.

John Whereat and his family stepped ashore from the small river steamer Settler at Queen’s Wharf on 3 September 1873, before making their way to the Immigration Depot for their first night’s sleep on dry land after a thirteen week sea voyage.

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